Conflict of Interest

High Risk Vendors

High Risk Distributors

High Risk Guests and Attendees

Module 1

Introduction to C/C++

Using Cin / Cout

Object Oriented Programming


Classes & Objects

Ghost employees

Employee falsified time entry

Background Checks

Segregation of Duties

Module 2

Class and user defined data type

Constructor & Destructor

This Pointer

Inline function

Scope resolution operator

Ghost Vendoors

Duplicate vendor transactions

Vendor Spend Analysis

Vendor Price Variations

Module 3

Pointer to object

Data Abstraction

Public, Private & Protected Access Specifiers

Friend Function Inheritance

Introduction to Inheritance

Ghost Vendoors

Duplicate vendor transactions

Vendor Spend Analysis

Vendor Price Variations

Module 4

Types of Inheritance

Methods of Inheritance

Method Overriding

Virtual Base Class


Ghost Customers

Unfavorable contracts terms

Repeated orders followed by returns

Excessive customer comission payments

Module 5

Function overloading

Virtual function

Operator overloading

Dynamic Memory Allocation

New & Delete Operator Creating dynamic Array

Module 6

Using Strings with dynamic memory allocation

Templates & Data Structures

Template & its Types



Linked Lists

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